On Christmas day the weather was surprisingly nice and we had a of couple hours between family gatherings to take a little nature walk. We headed over the Billy Wilson Park in Amherst, a suburb of Buffalo, and walked the boardwalk through the swamp land there. As a kid I used to go to this boardwalk all the time, it’s right by my childhood home. It was fun revisiting it.
explore : Como Lake Park
It’s winter now, but I am dreaming of summer hiking and exploring parks. Over the summer we went to Como Park in the suburbs of Buffalo, NY. We tried to follow a rather vague trail and kept loosing the path then we wandered through the frisbeeĀ golf course to an odd little lighthouse.
explore : Japanese Gardens of Buffalo
One weekend when visiting the Buffalo History Museum, I noticed the cherry blossoms in the Japanese Gardens of Buffalo just outside of the museum were budding. I took note to try to come back in a couples weeks to see them in bloom. One night while driving home from dinner out, at Kuni’s sushi restaurant oddly enough, we spotted that the cherry blossoms were in bloom! At dusk right before the rain I took these photos.
explore : Akron Falls
One of the first nice days of the year meant the first hike of the year. A new hiking trail app pointed me to Akron Falls in Akron, NY just a short drive from Buffalo. It was a very short hike and very easy; a little trail in Akron’s park. But any trail that leads to a waterfall is a good trail in my book.