I had the pleasure of doing photos with Calvin every month for the first year of his life. Finally it was time for his one year old portraits! We had cupcakes and balloons to celebrate. It was a great experience seeing Calvin so often for a whole year. Normally I do baby portraits every three months but seeing Calvin more frequently meant a wide variety of photos. Also it allowed us to get to know each other better and let me capture every stage of his first year!
Calvin Eleven Month Portraits
For Calvin’s eleven month portraits we did a photoshoot with a little Valentine’s Day theme. Calvin wouldn’t sit still for this shoot so it took a lot of wrangling to get him in front of the camera but it made for lots of smiles and laughter!
Calvin Ten Month Portraits
Calvin is getting to be a little boy so for his ten month portraits we did a photoshoot that showed how he was getting older with spiffy outfits and lots of books as props. It was really fun doing a photoshoot every month but having each one be a bit different!
Calvin Nine Month Portraits
Auxiliary Magazine Editor Portraits
Recently we launched the brand new Auxiliary Magazine website! Very exciting but it meant other things had to be updated too. One of those things being, our Auxiliary editor portraits. Mine was very old, from 2010! My hair was red back then and cut in a short little bob. Now that my hair is long and purple, it made the portrait seem even older. It was time for an update! I asked a fellow Buffalo photographer, Valerie Kasinski, to take photos of Mike and I. My husband, Mike Kieffer, is Auxiliary’s music editor and he needed a photo update too!