Recently we launched the brand new Auxiliary Magazine website! Very exciting but it meant other things had to be updated too. One of those things being, our Auxiliary editor portraits. Mine was very old, from 2010! My hair was red back then and cut in a short little bob. Now that my hair is long and purple, it made the portrait seem even older. It was time for an update! I asked a fellow Buffalo photographer, Valerie Kasinski, to take photos of Mike and I. My husband, Mike Kieffer, is Auxiliary’s music editor and he needed a photo update too!
It was early spring and that meant the weather was still a bit icky here in Buffalo. So we picked the Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens as our location. One Friday afternoon we all met up there and had a lovely and relaxing little photo session.
I’m not a big fan of having my photo taken, I think that goes with the being a photographer territory. I am trying to get more comfortable and it was a lot of fun doing these portraits!